
  • #code,
  • #design,
  • #web


Hoagie is a creative space that fosters community-centered design and implementation of digital experiences for students at Princeton University — we like to think of ourselves as a non-stop hackathon. Through discussions on UI/UX design and modern web development technologies, Hoagie promotes friendly collaboration and creative cross-pollination across its various project sub-teams. As Vice President, I’m leading the creation of Hoagie’s ambitious primary project for the 2021-2022 school year: an integrated application platform for student web apps, built with Next.js and powered by a Hoagie-made, Golang-built RESTful API for student data. In the summer of 2021, I worked to help design, develop, and launch Hoagie Mail, the first application in Hoagie’s integrated system. In the month since its September launch, Hoagie Mail has quickly become the primary means of sending email announcements on Princeton’s campus, now used to send over 75% of university-wide emails by individuals, independent student groups, and academic department committees alike. Prior Hoagie projects have included a redesign and rebuild of Tiger Magazine’s website and a template system for the course websites of Princeton University’s Computer Science Department.



Liam Esparraguera is an engineer, designer, and technologist passionate about building interactive software that sparks joy and inspires human expression. He is currently studying Computer Science, Music, and HCI at Princeton University. Right now, he is helping build Warp, a modern terminal designed for teams. Previously, he has worked on engineering at MongoDB and served as founding engineer at a healthtech startup.